Tag Archive | writing retreat

Fall 2018 Writing Retreat (Journal 4 of 4)

Ankles in the watery muck!

We’re packed and ready to leave soon. Well, not ready but our time on retreat is up for now.

Last night we were treated to one last view of the Milky Way before the clouds came in. This morning it is a calm sort of overcast with a light breeze at just the perfect temperature. I’ll miss the water and the cottonwood that sounds like rain. I’ll miss running barefoot in the grass. Continue reading

Fall 2018 Writing Retreat (Journal 3 of 4)

Poor birdie flew into our door and was a bit stunned, but he flew off okay!

It’s the dawn of our last full day here. (Okay, it’s 9:30 am, but it’s the start of my day. This is vacation after all.)

I’m sitting on the front porch in a wooden rocking chair. The sun is beautifully bright reflecting on the surface of the pond and the tiny, rippled waves on the water are soothing to watch. The air is comfortably cool, the breeze is fresh, Continue reading

Fall 2018 Writing Retreat (Journal 2 of 4)

Sunset walk

Last night we saw the Milky Way. It has been more than ten years since I was anywhere dark enough (with a night clear enough) to see. We wondered aloud how could anyone live somewhere where the Milky Way is visible and not stare up in awe each and every night. One of the RRFS noted that people get desensitized to it over time like we do everything else. She then added, “and it’s a damn shame.” Continue reading

Fall 2018 Writing Retreat (Journal 1 of 4)

It’s hard to make the switch to going on retreat. It’s a vacation, of course, yet quite different. Once we’ve stopped by the local grocery store there’s no shopping to be done. There are few, if any, sights to be seen. Just a cabin and the noises that nature brings. It’s a hard stop from working the day job, running errands, and planting yourself in front of the TV.

I’ve spent the last few weeks so eager to get away, to breathe, to read and write… but there’s something to be said about waiting too intensely for something. Something to be said, but I don’t have the words. Continue reading

Being Productive on a Writing Retreat

One thing I learned over this past week is that I deeply enjoy the companionship of my friends and my adventures with them, but when I work, I work alone.

The great room of our cabin

The great room of our cabin

The cabin where we spent our writer’s retreat was spacious and beautiful. We could more than easily spread out in the great room to cook, eat, write, read, chat, and more. It was a rare time (other than eating) that all five of us were immersed in the same activity, but we could still be silly and carry on conversations and I loved this. However it took me no time at all to realize I could not work in this environment. Continue reading

Off to a Cabin in the Woods

Well there are five of us.

And we are going off on a quiet retreat to a semi-secluded cabin… in the woods.

Let’s hope this doesn’t turn into a horror film.

It has been two years since my writing group has been able to go off on a writing retreat, and at last the time has arrived for us to trek off once again. Five days to ourselves to catch up on friendship and spend time with our respective arts.

I’m hoping to write a few blog posts (both for here and the group’s blog) and work on some poetry in addition to taking a much-needed breath of calm away from work and daily responsibilities. When I return, I’ll be posting all about it, but for now there are two wonderful posts up on our writing group’s blog, The Rabid Rainbow Ferret Society, for you to check out.

Serena posts about what ‘writing retreat’ means to her, as it is a bit different than how the rest of us feel. Rebekah posts about the excitement and some of the bizarre mishaps we’ve had thus far.

If you could go on a creative retreat for five days… what would you work on? Where would you go?