Archive | May 2016

Inspired Asides: Oh, the Places You’ll Go

A lot of things inspire me. Music is one of my biggest inspirations, but quotes, pictures, moments in film, almost anything can inspire me to write or dream. Notice I said dream. I think some of the most important inspirations are the ones that lead us to believe and feel hopeful and energized and empowered, but sometimes those aren’t the same ones that lead to the specific act of creating new work. And that’s okay.

I’m starting a new blog series I’m entitling “Inspired Asides”. Like other recurring segments around here this will not be on a schedule, but I’ve noticed just how long a list I have of things that inspire me and that list is ever-growing. What inspires me may not inspire you, but I want to share it on the chance that it may. After all, I firmly believe that inspiration should never be hoarded.

I want to kick off this series with a video I discovered a few years ago and still love dearly to this day. In 2011, three filmmakers went to Burning Man and filmed an eclectic array of people reciting the lines to Dr. Seuss’s “Oh, the Places You’ll Go”. The following is the short film they created. It is more than worth 7 minutes of your day.

Do you have something currently inspiring you? Please share in the comments!